Our History

Revolutionizing Online Banking

In the ever-evolving landscape of the financial industry, Italia Finanza has emerged as a game-changer. Established in 2019 as a subsidiary of ING Italia, our has rapidly become a beacon of trust, innovation, and convenience for millions of customers across Italy and beyond.

Incorporation and Early Days

Italia Finanza was officially incorporated in the vibrant city of Paris, in the spring of 2019. As a subsidiary of ING Italia, a renowned conglomerate with diversified interests in technology, finance, and consumer services, Italia Finanza was poised for success from the outset.

The founding team, led by our President Robert Stevenson, a visionary in the fintech industry, had a clear mission: to create an online bank that would redefine the way people manage their finances. They aimed to provide accessible, secure, and efficient banking services that catered to the evolving needs of modern consumers.

Building Trust and Innovation

From its inception, Italia Finanza placed a strong emphasis on building trust with its customers. The bank prioritized security and transparency, investing heavily in cutting-edge cybersecurity measures to safeguard customer data. Italia Finanza quickly gained recognition for its robust security features, earning the trust of both individual and corporate clients.

Innovation was also at the forefront of Italia Finanza's strategy. The bank introduced a user-friendly online banking system that allowed customers to perform a wide range of financial transactions from the comfort of their homes. Features like mobile check deposit, instant fund transfers, and customizable savings goals made it a favorite among tech-savvy users.

Expanding Horizons

Italia Finanza's success in the online banking sector led to rapid growth. Within its first year of operation, it had established a substantial customer base in Paris, and it wasn't long before it expanded its services nationwide. Its ability to adapt to the changing needs of consumers by introducing innovative products like cashback rewards, low-fee accounts, and personalized financial advice further fueled its expansion.

Community Engagement and Corporate Responsibility

Italia Finanza wasn't just about profits; it was deeply committed to giving back to the community. The bank actively engaged in philanthropic initiatives, partnering with local charities and organizations to support causes such as financial literacy, education, and environmental sustainability. Italia Finanza's Corporate Social Responsibility programs were a testament to its commitment to making a positive impact on society.

A Bright Future Ahead

As Italia Finanza continues to grow and adapt to the ever-changing financial landscape, it remains dedicated to its core values of trust, innovation, and community engagement. The bank's journey from a small subsidiary in Florida to a national player in the online banking industry serves as a testament to the power of vision, technology, and customer-centric values. Italia Finanza is not just a bank; it's a symbol of trust in the digital age, and its future is as promising as its history is inspiring.